Power Up 5 | Unit 5.1

This Activity will review all the lessons you had in this Unit. You will also have some exercises to improve what you've learned from your teachers and also from the book. We want you to answer it carefully. You have 30 minutes to answer them so answer them slowly but surely. We believe in you and that you can do better. Fighting!
Language: English
Subject: English language > Extra Curriculum
Age: 10 - 11

Power Up 5 | Unit 5.1

This Activity will review all the lessons you had in this Unit. You will also have some exercises to improve what you've learned from your teachers and also from the book. We want you to answer it carefully. You have 30 minutes to answer them so answer them slowly but surely. We believe in you and that you can do better. Fighting!

Have you eaten any funny foods? Explain.

How do you judge food? By taste, appearance, smell, or feel? Can food be delicious if it looks funny and strange?

Pick one funny food to represent you. Why did you choose it?

Has food ever made you sick? What happened?

If you visited countries where people ate the following foods, would you try any of them: monkey, snake, dog, insects? Why or why not?

Is your country famous for any funny foods? What are they?

Who usually does the food shopping in your household? Where do they prefer to shop?

Do you know any vegetarians? If so, what foods do they not eat?

Fill in the boxes with the correct words from the options. (lamb, steak, oil, garlic, chilies, cabbage, broccoli, salmon, herbs, mushrooms)