Preposições 2

Language: English
Subject: English language > Connectives
School grade: Brazil Brazil

Complete as frases a seguir com as preposições corretas

1 -

He was born

New York. (Perto)

2 -

The cat was

the couch. (Atrás)

3 -

The hospital is

my house. (longe)

4 -

Sara sits

her best friend. (Ao lado)

5 -

The moon is

the mountains. (Atrás)

6 -

The library is

the park. (Perto)

7 -

The movie theater is

the shopping mall. (Ao lado)

8 -

The dog is

the boxes. (Entre)

9 -

The restaurante is

the train station. (Perto)

10 -

There is a tree

my house. (Atrás)

11 -

The bakery is

the bus stop. (Perto)

12 -

The airport is

the hotel. (Longe)

13 -

The sun sets

the mountains. (Atrás)

14 -

The bookstore is

the bakery and the pharmacy. (Entre)

15 -

The cat is hiding

the bushes. (Atrás)

16 -

The post office is

the bank. (Perto)

17 -

The lake is located

the two mountains. (Entre)

18 -

The statue is

the city hall. (Em frente)

19 -

The stadium is

the train station. (Longe)

20 -

My house is

the beach. (Perto)

21 -

The treasure is buried

the house. (Atrás)

22 -

The car is parked

the house. (Em frente)

23 -

The bakery is

the bus stop. (Ao lado)

24 -

The teacher stands

the classroom. (Em frente)

25 -

I like to sit

my best friends at lunchtime. (Entre)

26 -

My friend lives

the supermarket. (Perto)

27 -

The earth is

the sun.

28 -

Canadá is

the United Kingdom. (Longe)

29 -

The children play

the school. (Em frente)

30 -

The cat likes to hide

the curtains. (Atrás)

31 -

The sandwich has cheese

the two slices of bread. (Entre)

32 -

The school is

the park. (Perto)

33 -

The farm is

the city. (Longe)

34 -

The shop is

the park. (Em frente)

35 -

The meeting will take place

2:00 p.m and 3 p.m. (Entre)