In time, On time - At the end, In the end

Language: English
Subject: English language > Connectives
School grade: Brazil Brazil

Complete as frases a seguir com as preposições corretas

1 -

I always try to get


2 -

He completed his homework


3 -

Please arrive

time tomorrow.

4 -

I love Jack! He always shows up


5 -

the end of the book.

6 -

the end, honest is always the best policy.

I wanna talk to you

the end of the party.

7 -

8 -

Everyone was tired

the end of the day.

9 -

the end, they gave up on the project.

10 -

He showed up

time for the meeting.

11 -

There was a plot twist

the end of the movie.

12 -

The bus arrived


13 -

the end of the meeting, we reached an agreement.

14 -

He found the solution

the end of the book.

15 -

The meeting ended


16 -

We got to the cinema

time. The movie hadn't started yet.

17 -

the end, they decided to stay together.

the end, it doesn't even matter.

18 -

19 -

The event started


They finished cooking dinner


20 -

21 -

I got to the meeting just


the end of the year.

22 -

23 -

What did you decide

the end?

24 -

I'm going on vacation

the end of this month.

25 -

He never gets
