3.6.W - Lesson: A Citizen's Duty and Responsibility

Language: English
Subject: Civics > Government
Age: 12 - 13

3.6.W - Lesson: A Citizen's Duty and Responsibility

Duties - Be sure to list and describe each duty

Why are the duties of citizens mandatory?

All of the following are citizens' duties EXCEPT ________________.

serving on a jury or as a witness in court

paying taxes

serving in the Armed Forces if called


For government to be effective, citizens must _____________.

join political parties

identify with local leaders

perform civic duties

work for elected officials

Responsibilities - List and describe each responsibility

Which American civic action is a duty rather than a responsibility?

jury service

voting in elections


supporting a political party

Rita buys a newspaper every day in order to read about an upcoming election. Which civic responsibility is she demonstrating?

participating in a political campaign

influencing government actions

staying informed of current issues

A democratic society requires the ___________ _____________ of its citizens.

What are some ways for citizens to participate in community service that addresses local needs and serves the public good?

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