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Top 7 qualities of a good teacher

Teachers play a crucial role in the development of every student. A good teacher is the one who leads the group and is a reference to follow, the one who knows how to lead his students in the right direction. 

Teaching is a profession that requires a lot of vocation, this pedagogical activity needs teachers willing and eager to learn and improve new skills. Something of special relevance today due to the digital revolution to which education has been subjected in recent years. 

To be a good teacher certain aptitudes and abilities are necessary to connect with the students. Characteristics that help transform the learning process into something relevant and interesting for them. What are these qualities? We explain them below:


Fundamental pillar and one of the keys when it comes to build the relationship between a teacher and his student. A good teacher must be patient and generous with the time he dedicates to his students, since each one needs their own learning pace. Understand the students to specially to support those with more difficulties to advance.

Be innovative

An educator willing to try new methods and tools is one of the qualities to highlight of a good teacher. Falling in routine in the classroom can lead students to demotivation, however, if a dynamic attitude is maintained around teaching, class participation and attention will be positively affected. 

There is a wide variety of digital tools with which to liven up a class. A good example of this are the interactive worksheets, capable of promoting active learning and stimulating student motivation.  

Have enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is linked to the passion that is put into teaching. When a teacher thinks about how to improve his classes, how to surprise his students and enjoys teaching his subject. Enthusiasm is an emotion that can be spread to students, planning activities that excite them will awake this type of positive emotions in the classroom. 

A teacher who spends time preparing his lessons implies commitment, since there is nothing more demoralizing than a teacher who is not interested in his subject. 

Be committed to continuous training

A good teacher never stops learning. Teaching is a profession that requires permanent training, being up to date with new technologies and adapting to the new times. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to instruct the students and teach them the competent skills that are required today.

Educators who invests their time training themselves are more likely to be a good teacher than the ones who does not. Renewing knowledge and learning new skills will help to include new educational tools, methodologies and resources in the classroom. 

Being observant and a good communicator

Observation is a necessary task to detect all kinds of difficulties in class. Especially when students are very young, it is essential to be able to detect problems in order to communicate them to their parents. Observation will also be of vital importance to detect the needs of each student and adapt the pace of work according to their abilities. 

Be flexible

One of the qualities of a good teacher is the ability to adapt to new changes and the good reception of new ideas and different points of view. Having an open mind results in running dynamic and enjoyable classes, without fear of making mistakes.

A teacher must be willing to change their teaching methodologies and rethink their schemes. It is necessary to avoid getting stuck in a specific teaching method and set personal growth challenges to achieve success.

Be inspiring

Teaching is a profession that needs a mix of skills to be successful. A good teacher must go beyond the mere transmission of concepts and share learning experiences with their students. Capturing and retaining attention in a classroom is complicated, which is why promoting curiosity and connecting with students is so important.
