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The Thinking-Based learning and how to put it into practice

The thinking-based learning is an educational model whose aim is to teach the developing of skills such as reasoning or critical thinking. It is a methodology focused on teaching how to think and decision-making. Thanks to this system, learning based on memorization is relegated to the background and leads the student to a more conscious and focused understanding.  

It is a very versatile teaching method, as it can be applied to any subject and even combine with other educational methodologies. This technique allows a deeper and more significant understanding due to the assimilation and implementation of the contents.  

Teaching critical thinking is essential to be able to make good decisions not only in the school environment but also outside of it. It is very important to students to start cognitive tasks at an early age because it’s something they will put into practice throughout their lives. The objective, therefore, is the development of thought and reasoning for a greater autonomy when facing any challenge.

The thinking-based learning is very popular nowadays due to the great contrast with traditional learning. The way in which the information received is approached and studied is completely different as this method helps to retain what has been learned in a more natural way. The approach is different; it’s not about memorizing but about assimilating concepts to develop knowledge. How can we, as teachers, put this methodology into practice with our students? Keep reading to discover it:

Ask them questions that force them to think and meditate

To encourage critical thinking, promote exercises that make the students think and reason. They can be open questions that invite them to give their opinion or take a position on a particular topic, for example. As well as dynamics in which they have to resolve a conflict. In this type of interactive activities, they will be forced to argue, express and explain their opinions. 

Organize debates and role-playing games

In a relaxed environment where a good atmosphere is created is where learning truly occurs. Students will be comfortable to expose their ideas and intervene. Organizing debates is very easy; you can choose a movie or a book worked in class. The objective is that after analysing this information they are able to argue the position they have chosen. Another example is role-playing games; presenting a fictitious situation and the role that each student must take. This will boost their attention, creativity, communication skills and decision-making. 

Promote autonomy in the study

Cheer active learning to leave passive one behind. Promote autonomous learning where the student is the protagonist, not the teacher. The figure of the teacher is very important and must accompany the students in the process of building their own knowledge. When they have any question, explain without giving them the solution, make them think with another question and give them the necessary tools to understand the content. An easy example of how to put this into practice are the interactive worksheets. 

Encourage analysis

Promote the analysis, observation and comparison of texts. Read a story from different angles to reach different conclusions. This will help students to contrast ideas and think in depth. Acquiring knowledge by this way accustoms them to apply it in their adult life as well. The thinking-based learning is a method that not only facilitates the understanding and the assimilation of contents, but also teaches how to think. Consequently, reasoning, communication and collaboration also come in hand with it. Skills that will be very useful to them throughout their personal and professional careers. 
