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Gamification in classrooms and its advantages

For many people, the concept of gamification is new, but the truth is that in education it has been put into practice for many years. Gamification is a game-based methodology with the objective of solving non-playful activities. Applied to education, is the use of game techniques and mechanisms to achieve specific learning objectives. 

Based on two basic elements, gamification allows achieving fast and effective results in the learning process. The first fundamental pillar is based on fun, turning activities into entertaining and enjoyable exercises. Motivation would be the second pillar on which is sustained, since it encourages curiosity and generates interest in unattractive subjects. This methodology works because it promotes active learning, certain knowledge can be better established and stimulates students.

Gamification enables practical work in classrooms. It’s not simply a game, but the use of its dynamics to recreate a more friendly environment for the student. It is a good strategy to solve problems much easier and more efficient. Here are some of the benefits of its use in the classroom:

Promotes information retention

When the negative elements associated with learning and demotivating activities are eliminated, the factors that allow a natural assimilation of the contents are promoted. Thanks to the retention of this information, the student will relate the new knowledge with the one he already has, acquiring new information in an understandable way and consolidating it.

Improve engagement 

Gamification psychologically predisposes a student, consequently, the dynamics of the games allow greater involvement in relation to the assigned tasks. Generating a known environment to the student leads to an understanding of the process and a greater commitment. 

Non-stop challenge

There are countless types of gamification, if we focus on interactive worksheets, for example, they allow both individual and group challenges to be included. Each student has a process of assimilation of knowledge and thanks to this type of techniques, mechanisms can be established in a personalized way.

Instant feedback

The student will learn faster with a teaching-learning system that provides immediate feedback. Returning to the interactive worksheets as an example, they have an evaluation system that is executed right after finishing, giving the answers at the moment. 

Encourage collaboration and participation

An increase in motivation equates to an increase in participation. One of the benefits of gamification is the development of participation to achieve specific objectives. This can sometimes encourage socialization among students through teamwork. 

Gamification for educational purposes work, the use of this methodology tends to trigger the motivation and commitment of both students and educators. A student who is challenged to overcome his own limits, turning the subjects into something fun, will reach new goals and progress while internalizing academic knowledge. Teachers are responsible for leading a change with new ways of learning. 
