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5 tips to increase engagement in the classroom

Achieving meaningful learning in the classroom requires effort and responsibility from both teacher and students. Commitment is essential to accomplish quality teaching and reach the objectives set by both. 

There is a wide variety of methodological alternatives to carry out with the students and arouse interest in the subject. Sometimes, motivating students means rethinking the way you teach the class, here are five tips to increase engagement in the classroom:

Break the routine

Today’s students belong to a technological generation, this can be very beneficial in the educational field if we take advantage of that. Proposing ICT related activities would motivate them in their day-to-day activities. There are many tools to implement this kind of interactive activities, for example TopWorksheets. According to studies, those students who have access to interactive resources turn out to be more receptive in the learning process. 


This methodology is game-based and aims to use playful techniques and mechanisms to reach specific learning objectives. It is a method that is based on fun, turning activities into entertaining and enjoyable exercises. In addition, it promotes motivation, since it encourages curiosity and generates interest in unattractive topics. One of the most common problems among students is the lack of attention when is required. However, when children play, or consider they are playing, they put all their interest and attention doing the exercises. 

Promote active learning

The involvement of students in their own learning is essential for them to go from being passive subjects to active ones. Interactive activities are directly related to active learning, as students learns through participation in the content. Attractive goals are also key in the learning process, as they will increase their motivation and commitment. 

Have enthusiasm

There is nothing more demoralizing than a teacher with little interest in his subject. Enthusiasm is an emotion that can be transmitted to students, planning activities that engage and excite them will awake this type of positive emotion in the classroom. Enthusiasm is linked to the passion that is put into teaching.

Be flexible

A teacher must be willing to change their teaching methodologies and rethink their schemes. The ability to adapt to new changes and avoid getting stuck in a specific teaching method will result in dynamic and enjoyable classes.
