Comparative Adjectives

Gramar file 2
Idioma: Español
Asignatura: Inglés > Gramática
Curso: Ecuador Ecuador

Comparative Adjectives

Gramar file 2

Complete the sentence

1. A rat is smaller ______ an elephant

Complete the sentence

2. Winter in Canada is _____ than winter in Mexico

Complete the sentence

3. You have the big drink because you are_____ than me

Complete the sentence

4. Summer is _____ than winter

Complete the sentence

5. A plan is faster_____ a bus

Read and complete sentences

6. Butterflies are _____ beautiful than spiders

a. more

b. less

Read and complete sentences

7. Donkeys are _____ dangerous than sharks

a. more

b. less

Unscramble the sentences

8. than/more/bread/Cakes/delicious/are

Unscramble the sentences

9. rocks/Flowers/more/are/colorful/than

Unscramble the sentences

10. Cars/ expensive/are/ bikes/than/more

Choose the correct adjetive

11. Bernadette is the _____ girl in her class

a. tall

b. taller

c. tallest

Choose the correct adjetive

12. Nathan is _____than Erick

a. short

b. shorter

c. shortest