3. Simple future will +/- (pp 19-20)

Idioma: Español
Asignatura: Inglés > Escritura
Edad: 15 - 16

Simple future will +/- (pp 19-20)

1. Escoge la opción correcta de acuerdo al uso que se está dando al futuro simple

1. The summer will be hot this year

6. Are you hot?, I´ll open the window

2. I´m very bored, I´ll phone Paul

7. I will travel to different countries in 10 years

3. Don´t cry Tom, we will take you to the Zoo

8. We will help you to do your homework

4. My younger sister will probably study in Spain

9. I will live in my home town

5. I´ll have the red dress, please!

10. I am thirsty. Oh, I´ll bring you a glass of water

2. Llena los espacios con la forma correcta del verbo en futuro simple en NEGATIVO. Usa solo una opción, forma COMPLETA o CONTRACCIÓN.

will not go/ won't go

1) They ________________ to China next month. (not go)

2) I promise Jane ____________________ late tomorrow. (not be)

3) We _____________________ skating on TV tonight. (not watch)

4) Tim ___________________ up at 7 am tomorrow. (not get)

5) The kids ____________________ the truth if you ask them. (not tell)

6) Probably you ___________________ the last bus. (not miss)

7) I am sure I____________________ to that big rock (not swim)

8) Anna ____________________ volleyball until she recovers from her illness. (not

9) I hope the Taylors ___________________ before noon. (not arrive)

10) We ____________________ breakfast with you. (not have)

3. Ordena las palabras para formar enunciados Negativos en futuro simple, Sigue el ejemplo.
