Science Exam

Language: English
Subject: Natural science > Human body
School grade: Australia Australia
Age: 12 - 15

Science Exam

Which body organ produces bile?





What is the main task of the digestive system?

It breaks down foods into nutrients that can be used by the body.

To take in oxygen and exhale waste like carbon dioxide.

All of the above.

None of the above.

What tube is a part of the digestive system which is between the mouth and the stomach?





Which example below shows the level of organization in the human body from simple to complex?

muscle cell, muscle, muscular system, muscle tissue

muscular system, muscle, muscle cell, muscle tissue

muscle tissue, muscle, muscular system, muscle cell

muscle cell, muscle tissue, muscle, muscular system

Which of these best describes how the digestive system is organized?

digestive cells are made of digestive systems

digestive tissues are made of digestive cells

digestive cells are made of digestive tissues

digestive organs are made of digestive systems

How do kidney cells help other cells in the body?

They help other cells produce food.

They help other cells divide more quickly.

They help transport oxygen from the lungs to other cells.

They help remove wastes produced by other cells.

Which statement below best describes a function of both the nervous system and the endocrine system?

They defend against disease.

They remove wastes from the body.

They coordinate the tasks of other organs.

They transport oxygen to tissues and organs.

The circulatory and excretory systems work together to:

Transfer waste from organs to outside the body

Provide body tissues with nutrients from food

Deliver carbon dioxide to the lungs

Deliver oxygen to muscles

If an illness were to prevent the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines from working correctly how would the cells of the body be affected?

The cells would not be able to get rid of liquid waste

The cells would not be able to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide

The cells would not be able to fight off infection

The cells would not be able to receive as many nutrients

What is a primary consumer?

A plant that uses sunlight for photosynthesis

An animal that eats plants

An animal that eats other animals

An organism that lives by breaking apart dead plants and animals and returning nutrients to the soil is a......





Which statement is TRUE about how living things get food?

Producers eat consumers.

Consumers eat only other consumers.

Producers eat other producers.

Producers make their own food.

In what order do a hawk, grass, and rabbit form a food chain in a meadow?





A habitat is a place where __________.

All the conditions that surround an organism.

All the populations of different organisms.

An organism lives.

None of the above

Some beetles break down the remains of dead animals. Some mushrooms break down the remains of dead trees. These actions most benefit plants by what?

returning nutrients to the soil.

releasing oxygen into the air.

making space for new animals.

decreasing the population of herbivores.

A carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores; an animal that feeds only on secondary consumers.

An animal that is hunted and caught for food could be an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore and is called______.


a mate.

a dead thing.


If there were no decomposers in a forest, which statement best describes how trees would be affected?

Trees would stop growing because their roots would have no water.

Tree would not get sick because there would be no germs in water.

Trees would keep growing forever because they would never rot.

Trees would die because the soil would run out of important nutrients.

How would you describe an ecosystem?

The three main parts of the brain are the

spinal column, ribs, and skull.

cerebrum, brain stem, and cerebellum.

spine, brain, and skull.

brain stem, nerve cells, and spinal column.