Writing Task (A1) - Diary - My Birthday - (with guided questions)

Language: English
Subject: English language > Writing
School grade: Singapore Singapore

Listen and copy into your notebook.

I am _________________ because tomorrow is a _____________day.
It's ______________, my birthday!.

I am going to________________ by the pool. All my friends are going to ______________ with me. We are going to ____________ and sing songs.

I am going to to ________________ and Mum is going to cook a lot of ________________..

It's late now. I should ___________.



Watch the video and learn about her birthday party.

Write in your diary.
1. When is your birthday?

2. What are you going to do?

3. What are your parents going to do?

4. What are going to happen?

Remember to use "going to"

Answer your writing task in your notebook. (80 words)
1. Double space
2. Do word count
3. Upload to Showbie -