Money idiom and phrasal verbs

Language: English
Subject: English language > Verbs
School grade: Ecuador Ecuador > Otros > Adultos

Money Idioms and Phrasal verbs.

A. Look at the phrasal verbs then complete the sentences.

pay off , go up, knock off, rake in sth. , splash out.

1. Sonia

$ 400.00 on sushi last week.

2. They

the loan at the end of this month.

3. Jason

$ 3000 dollar monthly.

4. Samsung

its profit every year.

5. Ford

30% on classic pickups this week.

B. Match the idioms with its definition.

Bring home bacon.

share the cost of something.

Go dutch

to use up all of your money.

To cost an arm and a leg.

To earn money for the family.

Very expensive.

Break the bank.