can and can't

Language: English
Subject: English language > Verbs
School grade: Romania Romania

can and can't

Choose the right answer!

Can she sing?

No, she can't.

Yes, she can.

Yes, we can.

No, they can.

Choose the right answer!

Can he ride a horse?

No, they can't.

Yes, we can.

Yes, he can.

Choose the right answer!

Can he play on the piano?

Yes, he can.

Yes, she can.

No, they can't.

Match the sentences with the pictures!

He can't ride a horse.

She can jump.

He can't swim.

She can sing.

Translate the sentence!

1. Ő (a lány) tud táncolni de nem tud zongorázni.

Translate the sentence!

Mi nem tudunk úszni, de tudunk rajzolni.

Translate the sentence!

Tudsz repülni?