Kohlberg Stages of moral development

Language: English
Subject: English language > Literature
School grade: Cuba Cuba

Kohlberg Stages of moral development

Match the following definitions with the most appropriate concept or word.

Chaire Garces Tayra
Ferraez Zapata Vladimir

Stage that sees rules as a contract with society and not as a strict order.

Pre-Conventional Level

How many levels of morality does Kohlberg propose?

Stage Five

Level that bases morality on expected consequences and not on social rules.

Stage Four

There is a sense of responsibility for following social norms


Moral is based on the fulfillment of interpersonal expectations.

Stage three

Conventional Level

Morality is based on what society considers correct

It acts according to what the same person earns as a result, based on ego

Stage One

Post-Conventional Level

The aim is to avoid punishments and receive rewards

We follow the ethical principles that we consider correct, seeking a harmonious coexistence based on them.

Stage two

Stage Six

Morality arises from one's own judgment and universal principles and not from the norms of society.