Future Tense Exercises

Language: English
Subject: English language > Grammar
School grade: Turkey Turkey

Use 'will' or 'going to'to fill in the gaps.

What _____ you ___________ (do) next weekend? Do you have any plans?

David: I'm hungry! Ken: I ________ (make) you a sandwich. What do you want?

I __________ (finish) the report by the end of next week. You can believe me.

What do you think you ________________(study) when you go to college in five years?

He promises they _______ (deliver) the package by the end of the week.

I've finally made up my mind. I _______________(become) a lawyer when I grown up.

It's hard to predict the future. I think we _______ (live) here for a long time, but you never know.

I've bought my ticket. I ___________ (fly) to Chicago next week.