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Why use ICTs in education?

The acronym ICTs refer to Information and Communication Technologies. Applied to the educational field, its purpose is to facilitate the learning process to both students and teachers. There are studies that show that the use of educational resources in the classroom favors the development of learning and motivates students to stay concentrated and focused on the subject. These are some of its main advantages:

Active behaviour in the learning process

The motivation to learn is very important, this type of interactive tools promote active learning. This is when the students are involved in their own education and work on critical thinking. Implementing technological resources in class can increase a deeper understanding of the subject and encourage the analysis of ideas.


Autonomous learning aims to train students capable of solving problems by themselves. There are specific educational resources to promote this type of skill. Selecting the right tools, researching a topic and using previous knowledge to learn how to use new resources are some examples of autonomy in learning.

Digital age

Children belong to a digitalized world, the new generations cannot be digitally illiterate because they could be affected in the rest of the stages of their lives. The use of technology has increased in all areas that we know and, specifically, in education, it has been incorporated as one more instrument that seeks superior and quality training.

Interest and commitment

Proposing different activities that are interesting and entertaining and not just teaching traditional classes has a very positive impact on the educational process. Promoting their curiosity by supporting your classes with ICTs is a very natural way to attract their attention and broaden their knowledge.
